ok......since long time i never update my blog, then today i will write more~~
today was a good day~ i woke up at 7am and prepared to go to college to help up for the competition~
its a nice cocktail and mocktail competition named MONIN CUP~and today is the final
that i was kicked out in the semi final...hahaha!!!!
so...CQT, Dominic, Alan, Kenneth and me took a bus to college at 8am~
when we reached there, the guys went to have their breakfast..
but me n CQT chosed to go to college 1st
then~we went to oenology lab to stand by for briefing...
after that.....we knew that our college provided breakfast for all the helpers and participants~~XD
so sorry for the guys....haha..
we had papajohns pizza and starbucks kopi o for breakfast...=)...yummy~~
then, i go kepo kepo around until briefing ....
i was placed in the helper group that responsible to make sure the competition flows smoothly by make sure the participants were there before their turn..
yeaa...the task was challenging cause keep running between samplings and the prep kitchen..
and have to check with the participants whether they were ready or not
but i like this job seriously~~~=))...hmmhmm~~
CQT and Sattis were my partner but they did different kind job
so around 10...all the participants arrived~~
except for the 1st participant that had gave up....duno why=((feel so sad about that...
and the competition STARTED!!!
i did my job given....
keep running here and there~~
i found it really nice to do this job cause i can know more people from other colleges~~
so i had a few new friends from Nilai, Taylors, and Inti now~~~~~nyak nyak nyak~~XD
i performed my job well with my partners~~~
but i really don't know whether the participants will get annoyed by me because of keep repeating them to get ready, "you must be there..", "you can bring your things there...".....haha
i still enjoy the process~~~
now, its lunch time~~~~
i had a really short time for my lunch...but it happened because i was not
so i don't think I need to talk about what i ate for my lunch right??~~~haha
after my lunch and i continue my job....
when it was my college participants' turn~~ofcz i will stay inside the Samplings to support!!!
we had the best CHEER TEAM that lead by Ms. Paula~~~XD
everyone was crazy screaming!!!!!!!woooooohhhhooooooooooooooooooo
until we all sore
we were the BEST supporting team ever~~~~~~
and one more things i really admire was the flaring they did in the competition~
damn yeng wheyy!!!!!!!
if got chance i will learn....haha =)
ok.......then.....its time to release the result!!!!!!!
what i can say is just....MY COLLEGE IS ALWAYS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!
I feel damn proud to my college man.......
u know~~~~i really never expect that will happen to my college.....='( touched......
let me list out
mocktail category:
-2nd runner up>>>Janice Lau~~Inti
-1st runner up>>>VENOD~~~~BERJAYA
cocktail category:
-2nd runner up>>>BENJAMIN~~BERJAYA
-1st runner up>>>RACHEL~~~~~BERJAYA
can you see that???!!!!!!!!!
what ??!!! what??!?!!!!! what???!!!!!!!
we sapu the cocktail category!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i feel like..."WHAT???!!!!!!!!!!!................................."
Wht The Quack!!!!!!!
ITZ AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BERJAYA ROCKZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVER!!!!!!!!
everybody screamed like crazy!!
everybody was hugging each other!!
everybody was so high and so happy and so excited and so freaking joyful!!
really....this is the best moment i had in my life...
the feeling was greater than anything i experienced before.....
the feeling was so strong.......that i swear it will never leave my mind......
i was so so so so so so excited!!!keep jumping and screaming and clapping~~~ was coollllllll~~~~~
and finally, the competition ended....we stay back to help to reset the Samplings..which is a restaurant actually....haha
and then.....hmmm....time to go home~~~~~=))))
today was really a enjoyable day........
i will remember today until the rest of my life.....
i gain so much from this competition.....
so next year......Monin Cup.....i will definitely see u again.....
and please be kind to let me be with you until the END~~XD
n lastly...just got a few things i will like to write down so that i can review it in the future=)
-Janice!!congratz~~~i love you^^!!!!today we hugged i think atleast 5 times...haha
-Thanka~~~u are great...u are good in flaring man~~~u r the coolest<3!!
-i realised something.....fancy pattern and frills is not helpful in the competition.....remember this
-hope they will come to my college prom...=)
-the moment when the result released
-taking photo after the competition...^^
-testing for the participants' drink....haha!!!!
-interaction between each other, with the participants and lectures....i really love that!=)
ok thats all for today........endless love to this competition...the Monin Cup...=))
-end with lots of love-